The Walletectomty

Our health care system, by which I mean the sickness industry, is bankrupting this country. People in health care deserve to make a good living, but making huge profits on the backs of sick people is immoral. The architects of this scam have bought off the politicians and their investment in corrupting the system has paid off many times over, at the expense of the rest of us.


Urban planers are engaged in a futile attempt

to solve our traffic congestion problems by building

new freeways. As soon as a new road is built is

clogged with more cars driving longer distances.

The environmental impact of the gasoline

engine mean an inevitable shift to small electric

vehicles and mass transportation. Note that in the

painting the only person going anywhere is on the

bike path.


A cheap price does not necessarily mean a cheap cost.  Reasonable wages, benefits, a safe work place, and protection of the environment are built into the cost of American products. In order to make things cheaper, multi-national corporations have moved manufacturing jobs to countries where workers take what they can get, injured workers are tossed aside, and the companies dump their waste into the air and water. Some huge retailers have driven the competition out of business, squeezed American manufacturers into bankruptcy, forced down wages, eliminated benefits and shifted the cost of health care etc. onto the public.


Arguments continue about privatizing Social Security and having people trust their retirement entirely to the stock market. Medicare cuts are in the works. Workers are at the beck and call of corporations who want to strip away regulations that protect them and the environment. Meanwhile state lotteries and casinos proliferate as a way to fool desperate people to believe that there is still a way for them to get the "good Life". As they say it's a crap shoot.